Recent KSSJ manuscripts after vol.40 can be found at the following website

Title33권 2호 Societal Impacts and Implications of Xenotransplantation*
Attachment 정대연.2015/04/pdf9

Societal Impacts and Implications of Xenotransplantation*

‑ A Delphi Survey in Jeju, South Korea ‑

Dai-Yeun Jeong

(Professor of Sociology, Cheju National University)

Yong-Bum Kim

(Research Professor of Biology, Suncheon National Universitya)

Shin-Ock Chang

(Research Fellow, Social Science Research Institute, Cheju National University)


Previous33권 1호 Class versus Generation: An Empirical Test of Their Relative Importance in Political Orientation and Socio‐Cultural Values*
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