Recent KSSJ manuscripts after vol.40 can be found at the following website

Title31권 1호 Does Political Instability Matter? U.S. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy and Political Instability in Korea
Attachment 05 Jiho Jang.pdf

Does Political Instability Matter? U.S. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy and Political Instability in Korea

Jiho Jang

(Department of Public Administration, Kwangwoon University)

Seungkwon You

(Asian Affairs Center, University of Missouri- Columbia)

05 Jiho Jang

Previous31권 1호 The Relationship between Records-Based and Self – Reported Measures of Absenteeism*
Next31권 1호 Korean Immigrants in Text and Talk: A Discourse-centered Approach to the Social Processing of Korean Immigration in Argentina